
What is the Muscle Activation Technique (MAT)?


The non-invasive muscle activation technique aims to reach the goals of all ages. It evaluates and treats joint instability, range-of-motion restrictions, and muscle imbalances. MAT can treat pain at every stage, from acute to chronic.

What can MAT do for you?

Our brain and spinal cord communicate with our muscles to enable them to contract effectively and whenever needed. This naturally occurs when we undertake daily tasks like walking, turning over in bed, and engaging in sports or leisure activities. Adverse events, trauma, and overuse can cause muscles to lose their capacity to withstand these stresses. This interferes with the brain’s ability to send signals to the muscular system, changing our capacity to contract as needed. This puts us in danger of damage and jeopardizes our joints! MAT employs a highly targeted evaluation process to evaluate, prime, and enhance the muscle system’s capacity for peak performance. 

Why choose MAT?

We have been instructed by traditional therapy to stretch a tight muscle. While increasing the range of motion might be beneficial, doing so increases the risk of injury to our joints since the muscle may become weaker in its expanded range of motion. The muscle activation technique deals with the weakness rather than the tightness. The muscle activation technique can improve joint stability and enhance mobility by testing and treating each muscle in the vulnerable area. Muscles become more resilient to force through this process. A muscle can heal from injury more quickly and lessen the likelihood of injury if it can withstand stresses more effectively. MAT concentrates on the cause of the issue as opposed to its symptoms.

How can Muscle Activation Technique (MAT) Help?

The Muscle Activation Technique aims to address these muscle imbalances in the body efficiently and effectively. As in the last example, “little by little, Weak muscles weaken, and strong muscles gain strength. When there is an imbalance, these imbalances result in weak muscles, constricted muscles, poor posture, and restricted action ranges. Ultimately, there is discomfort, harm, and faulty mind-body relationships.

Muscle “X” and the nerves in the body’s weak spots are stimulated by the Muscle Activation Technique (MAT) procedure, causing the muscles to re-engage properly. Experts in muscle activation techniques gently press on very particular spots on the body with their fingers. The mind/body proprioception is activated without needing electrodes or devices. Because of its unique properties, MAT can directly target weak muscle or muscles and reduce pain and dysfunction. 

Benefits of Muscle Activation Technique

You don’t need to be a competitive athlete to benefit from muscle activation techniques. There is a muscle activation strategy for everyone, regardless of fitness level—from casual runners to Crossfitters recovering from intense training sessions.

These are the program’s five main advantages.


Works With the Body, Not Against It

The muscle activation technique concentrates on working with your muscles instead of other forms of exercise or applications (such as foam rolling and heat) that aim to relax your muscles. This gives you more room to strengthen your muscles’ contract capacity.

Pinpoints Weaknesses

Weakness is generally the cause of muscle tightness. MAT therapy aims to alleviate tension and regain strength by focusing on the weak regions.

Corrects Imbalances

Our bodies automatically adjust to compensate for weak muscles. This suggests that we favor one leg or one side.

Using various techniques, muscular activation therapy helps address these inclinations to enhance alignment and general muscle balance. 

Focuses on Muscle Activation and the Nervous System

Enhancing muscular contraction is the primary goal of MAT. Doing so entails assisting the nervous system in reestablishing the proper firing order of signals from the brain to your muscles.

Creates Muscle Stability

Your range of motion will increase as your body’s muscular activation does. As a result, more strength and performance power are gained for daily tasks and exercise.

MAT has a significant advantage in that its program is always different. Your MAT therapist will adjust as needed each time you work with them since your muscles will adjust to the therapy. 

  • Enhanced mobility in daily life and enhanced sports performance. Your body experiences increased friction, force, and wear and tear when it is not operating correctly due to poor muscular strength and flexibility and the compensatory actions taken to make up for those shortcomings. Joint malfunctions and restricted motion raise the risk of injury. The entire body performs better when it is closer to symmetry, which indicates that the muscles are working correctly.
  • Decreased pain following an accident. The person will noticeably lessen their discomfort when MAT is utilized during the recovery phase following an accident. 

MAT for pain relief & injury prevention

The muscle activation technique eliminates pain and maximizes bodily performance by addressing the weak links in the neuromuscular link. We can lower your risk of injury and enhance your quality of life by ensuring your muscle system is operating at its best. There aren’t many MAT therapists in Europe, and it has only been accessible to the best sports teams and players in the USA until now.

Our goal in bringing MAT to London is to enable everyone to benefit from this ground-breaking method. The body experiences a variety of pressures as we age, which can cause the muscular system’s contractile powers to deteriorate. This decreased muscular activity’s outcome may be associated with numerous bodily grievances associated with aging.

Many modalities address injuries or the degenerative changes associated with aging. Still, until recently, no one addressed the detrimental effects of aging on our neuromuscular performance. Muscle Activation Technique is helpful in this situation. MAT acknowledges that the accumulation of life’s pressures and traumas impacts our ability to use our muscles as we age.

Additionally, MAT acknowledges that any damage may harm our neuromuscular function and that, with time, the neurological and muscular systems’ communication may worsen. A gradual weakening of the entire muscular system may result from the cumulative effect of this disrupted communication if it is not periodically corrected.

The result is a decreased muscle ability to handle the physical stresses of everyday activity, exercise, and physical performance. MAT, a specialized program, aims to identify and treat these altered communication routes to restore muscle contractile capabilities.

One way to see MAT is as a component of the exercise continuum. MAT’s most crucial feature is the system of checks and balances. Every time a force is administered to the neuromuscular system, it allows the MAT practitioner to assess the system’s integrity. With the aid of MAT, therapists can assess different force application types to ascertain whether an activity surpasses a threshold and causes muscle inhibition.

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